Tolerate Tech™: No Worries Annually
- All Features are included from the I’m Covered plan.
- 4x Software TuneUp for your Computer’s fitness. When it get’s out of shape, then everything takes extra long to load.
- Quarterly Check Ups for your Tech fitness. (This just means Tech Support, no jumping jacks here haha)
- 1 Hardware Tune Up a year keeps the dirt, dust, and debris away! We call this the hardware oil change, & helps with longevity.
- Computer Cloud Backup from IT Pros. We believe that all your data shouldn’t be collected and sold, like Big Tech cloud services.
- Android device Premium Anti-Malware Cybersecurity protection to block malicious apps attempting to steal banking information, and personal information.
- Quick Fixes are FREE! If it’s a 5m litte Tech-Time-Waster, we’ll get you moving right along. This is a big part of how we get you more time in your life!
- 20% Off advanced rate services! When your computer problem isn’t just a quick one, we’ll still be saving you money on our advanced solutions.