Attention Cryptocurrency Traders!

The #1 Way Any Cryptocurrency Trader Can

Make A Living Trading Crypto

In One Month Without Wasting Months Trying To Find Reliable Information Online

This is a message for every cryptocurrency trader

who wants to increase the consistency of their profitable trades but can’t figure out a winning strategy.

Justin’s photo with Ethereum CEO Vitalik Buterin at SanFranciso Blockchain Week 2019

From The Desk of: Justin Wise

Re: Crypto Trading Strategy

Hi, I’m Justin Wise and I am a professional cryptocurrency trader and mentor who has helped thousands of students create profitable objective trading strategies from the ground up regardless of their experience level.

I’m here to tell you the TRUTH you need to know about developing a profitable strategy!

In fact, here’s the biggest problem you face right now: avoiding all the misleading education online about how to trade cryptocurrency.

But that’s not the end of the problem. It actually gets worse! Why?

The majority of information available online is sponsored directly or indirectly by exchanges and market makers!

Which means, if you follow that advice, you’re going to lose a lot of money and be really frustrated.

And, worst of all, most cryptocurrency traders can’t get past the idea that blindly following signals without a strategy will make them millions.

But Luckily There’s Now A Solution to Your Problem!

But before we get into that, let me share a quick story with you…

I was a struggling trader trying to make money online. I wanted to make a living trading cryptocurrency so I wouldn’t have to continue the grind of my 9 to 5 job.

I wanted to be able to achieve financial freedom so I could make enough money to provide for my family’s needs.

Unfortunately, the reality was I was making very little money on my trades, and most days I actually lost money. That meant I was the furthest away from achieving my goals.

To make things worse, I felt terrible because I saw many others making money trading and I was bashing my head against the wall wondering what they were doing that I wasn’t. I felt even worse about the situation because I wanted to do so much for my family and improve the quality of our lives. I felt like a complete failure.

The problem was that I took too many large trades and ended up blowing out my account. Which meant that I could no longer continue to trade, so I had to work more hours at my job, which meant that I wasn’t able to dedicate time to learning how to trade better.


Finally can say I became rich from crypto.


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Check it for yourself in our Discord Testimonials Channel!

- kAos

DISCLAIMER: Testimonials are real experiences from paying users of Cracking Cryptocurrency. This user did not receive compensation for sharing their story. Their results are not typical and your experience will vary based upon your effort, education, business model, and market forces beyond our control. We make no earnings claims or return on investment claims, and you may not make your money back.
Then as if by chance, something amazing happened…

That’s when I watched a video of a successful trader demonstrating a rules-based indicator system that took the emotions out of trading. He demonstrated that successful trading was all about creating objective trading strategies and using data not emotions to guide your trading decisions!

It was now crystal clear to me how I could use backtesting and a statistical approach to decide when to enter and exit the markets. I learned how to focus my time and energy on building a better system rather than chasing the latest pump and dump hype.

I also learned that spending hours in front of the screen agonizing over price action is not necessary to be profitable, you need to create an actual rules based objective trading strategy instead.

I dedicated my time to building the best trading system possible, and the proof was in the immediate positive results from my trading.

Suddenly, I was increasing the number of winning trades, and decreasing the number of losing trades I took.

The secret to success making money trading cryptocurrency was using indicators to build an objective trading strategy.

My plan was to start applying this strategy to every trade I could.I started creating watchlists of all assets my strategy performed well on – and I didn’t stop there.
I then started taking as many trades as we could on those assets.

After that, we developed more profitable strategies to handle the many different types of market conditions.
But there was still a problem…

I was still not making as much as I needed on winning trades and losing more than was necessary on losing trades. I knew there was still a missing piece of the puzzle, I still had to figure out how to correctly place my Stop Loss and Take Profit Orders.

I ended up getting so frustrated, so after months of research I finally determined the best system for how to place our Stop and Target Orders. After integrating this final step, I was unstoppable.

I knew I had created something powerful, and after achieving my own financial freedom, my desire grew to sharing this knowledge with the world.

I chose to call it Pathways to Profit

I can now build within a month a successful trading strategy.

I then started to teach other traders the Pathways to Profit method.

As a result of all this we were able to achieve the following:

•  Within two  years we were able to help thousands of students build their own successful trading strategies from the ground up with no coding or previous trading experience required.

•  After creating Pathways to Profit™, I was not only able to trade full time, I’ve also been able to stop working a traditional job, because we can now make all of my income from the markets and teaching others the Pathways to Profit™ method.
And in the end, I am now able to provide for myself and my family, and have the time and energy for my other creative interests, hobbies, and friends. That’s why I’m so excited to share this with you so you can get these types of results too!
So, here’s what I’ve got for you today…

If you’re a  cryptocurrency trader who wants to increase the consistency of your profitable trades but can’t figure out a winning strategy, here’s the solution you’ve been looking for…

Introducing… Pathways to Profit™
Pathways to Profit
Helps You:

✅  Build a profitable trading strategy from the ground up with little to no experience…

✅  Understand the dominant direction of the market and how to trade with it…

✅  Calculate position sizes and understand risk management so you never blow your account out…

✅  Develop a trading routine that fits your life’s schedule…

✅   Identify at a glance whether to enter or exit any market…

… and much, MUCH more!

And best of all…
You’ll start seeing results with Pathways to Profit™
in one month
and it only costs…

So again, if you’re a a cryptocurrency trader who wants to achieve financial freedom, understand this:

•  Every moment wasted trading without a strategy brings you one step closer to blowing out your crypto trading account…

•  Investing in your trading strategy now will prepare you for finding the next 100x gem…

•  You can’t afford to let another bull market pass you by…


Get Onboard With Pathways to Profit Now!
Here's Exactly What You're Going to Get With Pathways to Profit™
Profitable vs. Unprofitable Traders – Don’t Make These Mistakes!
($674 Value)

Learn the first and most valuable lesson Justin learned on his journey – what separates a profitable trader from an unprofitable one. 

We’ll take you through the five pillars of success that is fundamental to every profitable trader’s success and how they are radically different from the fundamentals underlying an unprofitable trader’s strategy.

Justin has performed this lecture countless times to large audiences and normally charges a high ticket price for his lectures!

The Fundamental Characteristics of the Market – Why You Need An Edge

($389 Value)

Without understanding the true way financial markets, and cryptocurrency markets in particular, operate behind the scenes you are destined to fail. 

Learn the harsh truths that sit in the background behind every market order, behind every winning and losing trade, and how you can harness these concepts to develop and improve your own edge in the markets.

You’ll also learn why developing an edge is absolutely essential, and the building blocks of developing and finding your own!

The Day Trader’s Dilemma – Why 95% Of New Traders Lose Money

($892 Value)

Ever felt like the market was out to get you? Almost all new traders feel this way, and it’s no accident! 

Learn the dark truths behind why the current education that is publicly available for the new trader is purposefully designed to make them fail. Your losses are someone else’s profit, and in this scathing expose Justin will show you exactly who is behind the curtain pulling the strings.

We’ll also teach you what actions you can take RIGHT NOW to never fall into this

Male broker celebrating stock market trading success

Act Now And Get These Incredible Bonuses...

BONUS #1: Bridging The Gap – Making The Knowledge Stick
($67 Value)

Knowing is great, but putting it into action is essential. We’ll lay out an actionable game plan for you to take everything you’ve learned and incorporate it into your daily routine so that you never fall into the loser’s trap again!

BONUS #2: If This, Then That – A Framework For Success
($643 Value)

What is the secret behind every great trader’s successful start? The answer may surprise you!

Justin reveals the truth behind the simple framework that every successful strategy has behind it, and realistic steps you can start taking today to incorporate this concept into your own personal trading strategy.

BONUS #3: Trend Following vs. Reversals – Which Way Is Right?
($458 Value)

In this focus piece, Justin dives into a common dilemma for new traders: should I be trying to catch trends or reversals with my trading strategy?

We go into the statistics of each type of strategy, the pros and cons of each, and ultimately reach a conclusion about which path you should follow based on Justin’s years of experience trading and mentoring.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

If Pathways to Profit™ doesn’t help you build a successful trading strategy… if it doesn’t help you understand the dominant direction of the market and how to trade with it… or if it fails to teach you how to calculate position sizes and understand risk management so you never blow your account out… then we’ll refund your money, No Questions Asked! All the risk is squarely on our shoulders. You have nothing to lose and all the success to gain with your cryptocurrency trading results!


Here’s Everything You Get Today

•  Profitable vs. Unprofitable Traders – Don’t Make These Mistakes!
($674 Value)

•  The Fundamental Characteristics of the Market – Why You Need An Edge
($389 Value)

•  The Day Trader’s Dilemma – Why 95% Of New Traders Lose Money
($892 Value)

•  BONUS #1: Bridging The Gap – Making The Knowledge Stick
($67 Value)

•  BONUS #2: If This, Then That – A Framework For Success
($643 Value)

•  BONUS #3: Trend Following vs. Reversals – Which Way Is Right?
($458 Value)

Total Value: $3,123

But today, you’re getting started…
for only

Here’s to your success building your profitable crypto trading strategy!

Justin Wise

P.S.   If you’re sick and tired of all the misleading education online about how to trade cryptocurrency markets, then Pathways to Profit™ is the solution you’ve been looking for… let’s get started today!

I'm ready for success!

I want to discover the secrets to consistently profitable trading.

Founder | Mentor | Lead Analyst

Justin Wise

I’ve been a professional trader for over five years. I began in equities trading, moved to FOREX, and found my true home in Cryptocurrency. I founded Cracking Cryptocurrency in 2018, to educate traders and help them prosper in this new industry. We’ve taught thousands of students across the world on how to create successful trading strategies and develop a winning mindset.

Born in New England, Raised in the Midwest, America. Bitcoin believer and advocate.

"Unless you fundamentally understand and believe in your trading strategy, you will never have the courage or conviction to continue trading your strategy during hard times."

Justin Wise

Justin Wise Calm and Confident after creating a great profitable objective trading strategy
Start trading with a profitable trading strategy now!
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